Congratulations on the new addition to your family
Below are some helpful tips for your first day with dog. When you first arrive home, there will be so much going on with your new furry one, that they will be a little overwhelmed and/or frightened by their new surroundings.
Have these essential items already purchased for your new family member. Leash, collar, water bowl, feeding bowl, 2-3 toys(chew toys, nylabone, etc), crate(optional), treats, proper food, dog bed and blanket.
Have a little bag of treats with you during the first couple of hours when you get home. Feel free to treat them when they do something you approve of such as training cues like SIT, COME, LAY DOWN, and so on.
If you have a previous dog in the home, take your dog outside (with a lead) in the front yard or neutral grounds such as a park, for proper introductions. Sniffing is the canine way of a proper greeting. Let them sniff each other and play if they are both willing to. If you start to see some aggression on either part, Please contact a dog trainer immediately to help with the situation. They will be able to give you more specific tips/training on how to have harmony in your home.
BEFORE taking your new dog into your home, take them for a good walk around the neighborhood. Let them sniff their new neighborhood so they can familiarize themselves with the area. Treat them when they listen to their name(if you have given them a new name). Also treat them when they “go potty” outside and give them verbal and physical praise.
*If you have a previous dog in the home, take them for them for the walk as well. This will engage them to feel together as a pack and bond quicker.*
Entering the home- BEFORE you allow them to enter your home, have them SIT (you can treat them when they sit on your command or show the treat to lure them to SIT) at the door next to you or behind you. Open the door to your home and have them FOLLOW you into the home. Keep the leash on and lead them around the house. Let them get a good sniff of rooms they are allowed to be in, and keep doors closed to rooms that are Off Limits to them. Lead them to their area where they will sleep and eat.
Backyard – Lead them to their new backyard. Then you can take off their lead and treat them with verbal and physical praise. Stay outside with them for 30 minutes and treat them when they “go potty”.
Sign them up for training classes with your local a Private Dog Trainer, PetsMart or Petco. They each have great programs and social exercises for your dog to meet other playmates. Have fun with your new addition.